--> Focusing more on human health consequences , the purpose of this project is to explore the effects of industrialization upon society through the release of EDCs.

-->Criticizing the reckless abandon of unregulated agricultural and industrial operations has become quite popular, but how many people would forsake all the modernity that has resulted?

Friday, December 2, 2011


The following is the abstract for "Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: testing to protect future generations" by Alana Van der Mude 2010. The 26 page article describes what EDCs are, the current statutory and regulatory context, and potential solutions to regulatory shortcommings of pesticides and other chemical sources.

"Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are chemicals that interfere
with human hormone processes. EDCs are omnipresent: pesticides,
plastics, and drugs, among other common chemicals, all demonstrate endocrine- disrupting properties. Scientific studies have demonstrated the frightening effects EDCs have on human health, particularly for fetuses while they develop in utero. Given these health concerns. Congress passed the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, which requires the EPA to test pesticides for their endocrine-disrupting properties. Frustratingly this testing, fifteen years later, has still not begun. Therefore this note argues that citizens should bring suit under the Administrative Procedure Act to compel EPA to complete testing of pesticides for endocrine-disrupting properties, all with the goal of furthering effective regulation of EDCs."
Click here: Full Article

Bisically this article serves to highlight the position of governemnt in regulating chamical capitalism, a seat that is surprisingly vacant.

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