--> Focusing more on human health consequences , the purpose of this project is to explore the effects of industrialization upon society through the release of EDCs.

-->Criticizing the reckless abandon of unregulated agricultural and industrial operations has become quite popular, but how many people would forsake all the modernity that has resulted?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Popular Science

My Quest To Analyze Every Man-Made Chemical In My Body

Here is a very interesting article about one person's efforts to discover what made-med chemicals were stored in his body. It also touches on some very important issues of capitalism such as the difference between regulation of pharmaceuticals versus industrial chemicals in the U.S. compared to Europe. Also the issue of individual responsibility in regard to exposure which is said to occur mostly in the houshold. Try to investigate the safety of one typical household cleaning product, and the practicality of individual responsibility for research seems nil.

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