--> Focusing more on human health consequences , the purpose of this project is to explore the effects of industrialization upon society through the release of EDCs.

-->Criticizing the reckless abandon of unregulated agricultural and industrial operations has become quite popular, but how many people would forsake all the modernity that has resulted?

My Research

Studies and Research
I have written a Term Paper for Medical Anthropology at UAA and another to that supplements this blog for Anthropology of Capitalism that may be requested. In the meantime here are some good sources I've found.

* Adapting EDC Bioassays to Monitor Performance of Risk Management Processes
This is a study designed to create a framework for the utilization of environmental monitoring in risk assesment. Essentially the goal is to isolate levels of risk from simply comparative toxicology.

*Analysis of Swine Lagoons & Ground Water for Environmental Estrogens
Just as it sounds this study investigates the potential for groundwater contamination from swine concentrated animal feeding operations.

* Emission of Endocrine Disruptors from Biomass & Diesel Fuel Composition
Here emissions are tested for androgenic or estrogenic activity.

* Evaluation of Drinking Water Treatment Technologies for Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds
Just as it sound this study was carried out to test the effectivness of water treatment technologies.

* Fate of EDCs in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
Why do wastewater treatment plants often appear to be sources of EDCs to the environment?

*Land Application of Biosolids Containing EDCs
This is an investigation of the application of sewage sludge to agricultural lands for fertilization.

Endocrine Disruptors. National Institutes of Health. Last Reviewed Sept. 15, 2011 http://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/endocrine/index.cfm Accessed Nov. 5, 2011.
Colborn, Theo and Coralie Clement
1992 Chemically Induced Alterations in Sexual and Functional Development: the Wildlife/Human Connection. Princeton Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. Princeton, NJ
Hines, Melissa
1992 Chemically Induced Alterations in Sexual and Functional Development: the Wildlife/Human Connection. Princeton Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. Theo Colborn and Coralie Clement. Princeton, NJ
Elliott, Danielle
            2010 Medical Anthropology A455 Syllabus. UAA  

Worthman, Carol M.
1995 “Hormones, Sex, and Gender”

Van der Mude, Alana
2011 Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Testing to Protect Future Generations

Fate of EDCs in Municipal Wastewater Treatment plants. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Risk Management Research.
Irena Salina
2008 Flow: For Love of Water. 83mins. The Water Project LLC.
Giuseppe Latini, Alberto Verrotti, and Claudio De Felice
2004 DI-2-Ethylhexyl Phthalate and Endocrine Disruption: A Review. Current Drug Targets - Immune, Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders, 2004, 4, 37-40
Schell, Lawrence M. and Melinda Denham
2003 Environmental Pollution in Urban Environments and Human Biology. Annual Review of Anthropology. 2003. 32:111-34.
Schell Lawrence M., Mia V. Gallo
2010 Relationships of Putative Endocrine Disruptors to Human Sexual
Maturation and Thyroid Activity in Youth. Physiol Behav. 2010 February 9; 99(2): 246. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 February 9.
Zeratsky, Katherine
“Detox Diets”. Mayoclinic.com. April 22, 2010. Accessed November 8, 2011
World Health Organization.
The Health and Environment Linkage initiative. “Toxic Hazards” http://www.who.int/heli/risks/toxics/chemicals/en/index.html. Accessed 23 November 2011
2011 www.endocrinedisruption.com Theo Colburn

Cohen, Arianne
2009 My Quest to Analyze Every Man-made Chemical in my Body. Popular science.
Pfaffenberger, Bryan
1992 The Social Anthropology of Technology. Annual Review of Anthropology 21:491-516.
 Clinical manifestations of pollutant overload, Volume 2 By William J. Rea